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Friday 11 January 2013

“(Ide jön...) az Angolság!”

(Ide jön...) az Angolság!” Ez a színdarab magyar címe. De a kérdésed: mi is pontosan az angolság’?
Ebben a kontextusban a szót használom mint valami katasztrófavédelmi szolgálat: tűzoltósag,’ rendőrség.’

Megerkezett a tűzoltóság, az Angolság is!” (Leüljen mindenki és teát igyon).

(Ide jön...) az Angolság!” - the Hungarian version of the title of the play. But the question is, what is this ‘Angolság’ concept all about? In this context I am using it as some kind of emergency service on patrol, on the basis of the -ság/-ség’ ending. Like Fire Department (US English) Tűzoltó-ság and Police Department (US Eng.) Rendőr-ség.’

The Fire Department have arrived, the English Department too!” (Everybody sits down and has a cup of tea).

The English title was originally (Here comes...) the English Brigade!” as in Fire Brigade’ (UK English). I did however discover after having finished writing the play that in Hungary this may have alluded to a play about football hooliganism so I decided to opt for an Americanisation. Of course English Department’ could refer to a teaching faculty or a wave of migrants invading to teach English as a foreign language, (which nobody in this play does I might add; they have other ideas...)

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